Hello everyone, I'm Bianca.
Among other activities, I take on the responsible task of data protection officer in the DC Connected team. Data protection is probably one of the most important topics of our time. For this reason, we have not taken it easy and have dealt intensively with the protection of data. With legally competent help, we have implemented the requirements of the DSGVO and encrypt all incoming data according to high security standards.

What are we particularly proud of?
Many companies in the digital sector sell personal data to finance themselves or to launch another revenue stream. The data market in Germany is growing every year.
We don't do that - we don't sell data to third parties.
Your data will be encrypted and you have the option to decide when and why your workshop may contact you. In order to leave it up to the user to decide which data can be processed or viewed, we have built our system modularly, i.e. according to the modular principle. For example, if a user does not want his location data to be processed, this function can simply be switched off. With location data in particular, it is important to know that the location or the routes driven can only be viewed by the user, so neither the workshop nor we as DC Connected have any insight into it.
Via the settings in the portal, the user can make further settings for his data, for example, whether the workshop is allowed to send him an e-mail in case of service. In this way, the user himself retains control over his data.
In addition, our data is stored on our own server in Germany, so we do not use a third-party provider here either.
Of course, every user has the right to information about his data. Via the personal profile, he has insight into which data is stored or processed and can also change it if necessary.
The collection of all data is of course exclusively used to implement the digital car service and to connect the driver with the workshop he trusts.
Our system also works without a smartphone!
Many providers of OBD solutions use the driver's smartphone as a Bluetooth bridge, since most dongles do not have their own SIM card. Many users are uncomfortable with this, as a lot of private data is stored on the smartphone. Although in most cases the private data in the smartphone is not accessed, it is an important concern for us to implement the service without Bluetooth bridge.
You want to know it exactly? You can find the detailed data protection agreement on our homepage under "Data protection" or here:

Your Bianca vom DC Connected Team