The Digital Automotive Award is organized by the trade media brand kfz-betrieb, together with its partners Bank Deutsches Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe, and TÜV Nord Mobilität.
The award honors the best achievements of dealerships and service providers in the automotive industry in the field of digitalization.

Who always does what he can already do always remains what he already is.
– Henry Ford
The eleven companies that received the Digital Automotive Award on Tuesday evening are well aware of this.

We were one of the ten runners-up out of approximately 200 applicants.
For us as a young company, it is a great honor to be able to stand on the same stage with the experienced and successful companies.
The Emil Frey Group took home the overall victory. Nine other companies were able to impress the jury with their projects:
Hahn Automobile GmbH & Co.KG, Autohaus Stoppanski GmbH, Autohaus Weeber GmbH, Mofuma GmbH & Co. KG, Tölke & Fischer Gruppe, Autohaus Lessingstraße GmbH, Voets Autocentrum GmbH die League of Performance 306 von Restemeier GmbH und Autoschmitt Frankfurt GmbH.
Congratulations to all the winning companies who are implementing innovative projects and proving that the industry is very much ready for change!
Also many thanks to the jury and the entire Kfz-Betrieb team.
How did we actually get to this?
In January 2021 we applied for this year's award. We didn't think our chances were really high but as they say, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained!"
Due to the Corona location, the jury unfortunately could not visit us in person, so we presented ourselves and our project online:
Dennis' original idea was to simplify the processes and everyday life in our small family workshop. Since he couldn't find a practical solution on the market, he decided to develop one himself. After it turned out that this would not be done with a small change, he started with the first steps, convinced his cousin Bianca to write her bachelor thesis about the project and with various partners finally stood the rough concept. With the support of different workshops, different companies, friends and family during our testing phase we finally got to where we are now.
In July, someone came to visit us to interview Dennis and make recordings. The award ceremony was supposed to take place in June, but due to the Corona situation it was postponed to September, which turned out to be a very good decision, as otherwise the event might not have been able to take place in this way.
The award ceremony took place at the Central Kino in Würzburg.
The respective projects of the ten winning companies were presented - we were able to meet exciting innovations and very interesting personalities at the subsequent "get together".
Ultimately, the Digital Automotive Award brings us a step closer to our mission of closing the digitalization gap in everyday workshop life and connecting customers with the local workshop they trust. We are mighty proud of that.
The next day, the "Automotive Days" followed.
Exciting presentations by experienced and successful speakers motivate us to keep going full throttle!
We found the lecture on "Car dealerships and workshops in 5 years - what needs to change" particularly appealing. In other presentations, the personality and proximity of workshops and car dealerships were also highlighted as strengths, but these would have to be implemented in online models in the future. The quintessence of the lecture: The mixture makes it!
Our conclusion of the Digital Automotive Award and the Digital Automotive Days 2021 is:
Great contacts, a super experience, great projects with mutual appreciation and great gratitude - we are looking forward to the next event!

Your DC Connected Team